The big move...

Hey guys,

I've finally made the move. The new site will be hosted at with the blog sitting at

It is still a work in progress and should be fully up in a couple of weeks. The blog though is there and barring a few tweaks, that's about as far as I can go with customizing code :D

Invisible Man

Something's missing....hmmm...oh right...he ain't smiling!

The Thames always seems to have something different every time I'm there. After running passed the gipsy with a million and one rings claiming to know the future of my hair growth, I noticed this fella sitting on a chair with a couple of missing body parts. Definitely beats the weird Golden dwarf down in Bukit Bintang in KL who pretends to be a statue when we can clearly see he's getting pissed off at the pesky kid who's laughing at him.

To Wordpress or not to Wordpress...that's the question

After a lot of thought....yes the process still does exist although it has been a bit of a rare phenomenon of late...I've been thinking of moving my blog from blogger to WP.

The move, however, is under serious analysis as this would mean pain and effort from yours truly and a sincere effort to really type down words in the right sequence that would eventually make some sense to the world around me....The second biggest hurdle in this troublesome endeavor is the search for the perfect blog domain that can host my photo albums....sigh.....

The decision should be made later this week and hopefully more regular posts shall follow. Watch this space for updates...